Embrace Unapologetic Rest: How to Pause and Recharge
“It takes courage to say yes to rest and play in a culture where exhaustion is seen as a status symbol.”
The Myth of Constant Productivity
If we’re not “booked and busy,” we’re “doing the most.” –The badge of busyness. We wear it with honor. What’s ironic, we insist on filling our schedules to the max, then we low-key complain about it. However, this relentless pursuit of productivity, fueled by the mantra 'time is money,' can lead to a detrimental cycle of overwork and stress, leaving little time to just be.
If it’s not the guilt of nagging to-do’s, it’s the shame of idleness. Overworked and overspent, our profit-centric culture programs us to believe our purpose and value comes from our productivity.
The True Cost of Busyness
Our culture often equates busyness with success, but at what cost? The constant pressure to perform and produce can lead to burnout, affecting our ability to think critically and maintain physical health. It's time to challenge this narrative and recognize the value of rest.
Busyness occupies us with an infinite to-do list and an overload of information that usually has to be fact-checked. Most of us can’t even relax on vacation. The guilt starts to creep in; we long to look at our phones. First, we respond to a notification. Soon we take a call and go back to keeping up with emails.
The pressure of today’s information overload and fast-paced lifestyles can lead to overwork, unhealthy sacrifices, and unrealistic expectations. When we’re strapped for time, we fail to nurture ourselves, not to mention our communities. As social norms and workplace vulnerability intensifies competition and pressure to succeed, we sacrifice rest.
Caught in an internal battle, the body suffers. With screen time filled with toxic comparison via social media, looming global crisis, and environmental stressors, restoring our minds and bodies has become more challenging than ever.
A growing body of research shows that our increasingly online, multi-tasking world diminishes our ability to concentrate and think critically. Not only does busyness negatively impact the quality of our work, it also poorly affects our physical health. When busyness nears burnout, we can experience sleep disruption, headaches, or even chest and stomach pains.
Overwork doesn’t just happen at the office. We fill our time and over-do it in other roles such as parent, spouse, caregiver, and/or friend. Often bouncing from obligation to obligation builds frustration and diminishes patience and gentleness for ourselves and others.
When we’re busy, we miss bonding opportunities. When we’re unrested, we miss the “Ah ha!” idea moments. When we’re foggy, we fail to question the questionable in the world around us.
How to Say Yes to Rest
Understand that you're human, not a machine. In our capitalist society, many of us are caught in a relentless cycle, often driven by the need to meet financial obligations. However, it's essential to remember that rest isn't earned; it's a fundamental necessity for our well-being.
Embrace Diverse Forms of Rest. Sleep is just one form of rest. We actually require seven distinct forms of rest that include: physical, mental, emotional, sensory, creative, social, and spiritual rest.
Let Go To Recharge. The “It” can and must wait. It’s essential to understand your mortality and the fact that the world will keep turning with or without you. This is a scary and liberating thought. The to-do’s and events will be there—after you rest. Besides, it’s best to do those activities while you’re feeling refreshed. No matter what you’re doing, let go intermittently by scheduling breaks to ensure you’re regularly recharging. Address any guilt you may have spending time on yourself or shame of relaxing by incorporating mantras like “ I deserve a break.” Or “My mind and body need rest.”
Cultivate Contentment. We’re often unable to rest because we have limiting beliefs like our life should be better than it is today. This longing is compounded by the constant messages we receive that we and our lives aren’t good enough. One way to practice contentment is to stop competing with and comparing yourself to others. Besides, it will never be a fair comparison either way. Simply strive to do better than you did yesterday. When you’re competing with yourself, you can set a realistic pace.
Reduce Screen Time for Mental Peace. Mindlessly scrolling the internet is not resting, even if you’re in bed! In fact, screen time is linked to rising rates of depression. Between the blue light effect and doom-scrolling, screens give us knowledge, but they also give us anxiety. Try taking 1-2 evenings a week off from screens, set screen time alerts, and block specific time for news consumption.
Journal: A Tool for Tranquility. Yes, it’s our answer to EVERYTHING! You have to purge those thoughts to let your mind rest, especially if those thoughts aren’t serving you. Perhaps a disagreement with someone is bothering you, but you’re not ready to talk. Journal it out by writing exactly what’s on your mind at the moment. Remember to be mindful not to judge yourself. You’re simply expressing raw emotions to flush them out of your system. Or maybe it’s a self-limiting belief. Use your journal to create an encouraging mantra to overcome the thoughts that are holding you back. If it’s to-do’s or something you don’t want to forget, make a list and schedule the tasks. Use any basics Notes app to take and edit anywhere. We like Microsoft OneNote given its formatting flexibility and app mobility.
Harness Natural Rhythms for Better Rest. Aligning with the natural light-dark cycle can improve your sleep quality. Exposure to natural light during the day and dimming lights in the evening can signal your body to relax and prepare for rest.
Embrace Quiet Moments. Finding stillness in your day can significantly impact your mental capacity. Give yourself more time to do things by adding in a 30-50% time buffer. Be less in a rush. Put important things first, so it’s easier to relax knowing you’ve addressed your priorities.
Financial Wellness for Peace of Mind. There is no greater hindrance to rest than bills and debt! Living within your means is key to reducing stress. Managing finances effectively can alleviate the mental burden of debt, creating more space for rest and relaxation.For more on personal finance, check out our 12 Steps to Financial Freedom.
The Power of Play. Give yourself permission to play and prioritize it! Play releases tension in the body and less stress equals more rest. Learn more about the importance of play, here.
Intentional rest is about slowing down to process the past, live in the present, and imagine the future. By embracing rest, we challenge the overwork culture and shift towards a narrative that values collective well-being over individual wealth. Rest well, friends.
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” – Audre Lorde